
At Ursula Taylor C of E School we use the 'Purple Mash' Computing Scheme of Work. This scheme is aligned to the National Curriculum for technology, Computing and Digital Competence.   The scheme of work is progressive, skills rich and exposes children to a wide variety of digital tools and technological skills. 
The Scheme of Work we use is created for single year group classes, each year group covers 8 or 9 units within the year. The units cover three distinct areas:
Computer Science
Information technology
Digital Literacy.
The whole school overview is available for you to see what is taught in each year group. The progression gird shows how the skills and knowledge build as the children move through each unit. 
Throughout the Computing Programme of Study there is a rich and varied range of vocabulary to learn and become familiar with. Each unit has specific vocabulary which is taught within the lessons, this language builds and progresses as children move through the school.
Our Vocabulary progression documents are available for you to see what children learn at each point in the school year.