Our Topics and Termly Overviews

Our Topic Based Curriculum
We follow a topic based curriculum, using an umbrella topic to teach a variety of subjects. For example. in Year 6 we teach World War 2 in the Autumn Term, covering a range of subjects within the topic:  
  • History - an extended period study, e.g. Significant turning points in British History
  • Geography - Name and locate countries, cities, regions and features of the UK.  Study a region of Europe.
  • Art and Design - Use sketchbooks to collect, record, review, revisit and evaluate ideas. Improve mastery of techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture with varied materials.
  • English - Read a broad range of genres, Plan writing to suit audience and purpose, use models of writing. develop character and setting in narrative... and much, much more!
Maths is taught as a standalone subject, unless the aspect of mathematics can be linked effectively to the topic. If subjects cannot be linked cohesively to a topic area, they are taught as a standalone subject.
Sometimes subjects are taught in a 'block', for example a weeks teaching may be dedicated to Art or Design to allow for a deeper learning experience and for projects which take longer. e.g. Sculpture which may require a series of concurrent days to complete. We also allow flexibility within timetables to be able to teach all of a Foundation subject in one term, for example: Covering all the Geography curriculum in one term where it links closely with a particular topic.
The Topic Overview Booklets below, are given to parents to give a sense of what is covered each term within a topic. A more detailed explanation of the curriculum content for each topic can be obtained by contacting the school office.
Each topic is reviewed at the end of the term, to determine what has been successful and to make changes for the next time it is covered.