
Each year we observe National Online Safety Week as part of a national initiative to ensure children are kept safe when online. In addition to this, we have a program to teach children about Internet Safety built into our Curriculum through our Computing lessons. 
We live in a time when the internet, social media and apps are commonplace and used by many people. We need to ensure that our children are able to access age appropriate experiences but in a way which safeguards them from harm or being exposed to inappropriate or unacceptable things.
Children need to be taught how to access websites, chat based games etc, and use them responsibly. Children also need to be able to identify when something happens which is concerning and be confident to share their worries with an adult. 
At Ursula Taylor we will be using materials from the 'UK Safer Internet  Centre'.  https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/ 
This site has information for children, parents, staff and families which is very useful to share with your children to support their safe use of the Internet.  
Further information to support parents and carers with online safety, in particular to identify and understand the risks and tips to help children stay safe online can be found on the NSPCC website - 'Keeping children safe online'  
Further useful websites and links have been added to this page to make access easy and to provide our parents, families and community members with useful information. 
The documents shown here include: 
Our E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy
Our Progression of skills and knowledge linked to the 'Purple Mash' Scheme of Work for Computing which we use at Ursula Taylor.
There are also some useful links to take you to external sites which offer guidance and support about E-Safety.
TIKTOK   This app is very popular with children at the moment, whilst is it very appealing to youngsters, it also has some aspects which parents need to know about and be able to manage. 
The link below will take you to the National Online Safety 'What Parents need to know' section.