Helping your child at home

Do you want to be able to help your child at home with Maths? White Rose Maths, the Scheme we use at school offers some great support for parents to help guide you through the aspects of maths which we teach.
'Maths with Michael' is a series of short videos, aimed at supporting parents to understand how the key strands of:  Place Value, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions and Algebra are taught in school and what your children experienced through our Teaching. The link below will take you to the White Rose Maths website.
There are also some parent guides available which are excellent and really very useful.
If you have any other questions about Maths, how it is taught at UT or about how you can help at home, please contact your child's class teacher or our Maths Leaders, Mrs Lane and Mrs Christie through Class Dojo.