
At Ursula Taylor we keep our uniform requirements as simple and as cost effective as we can.
We recognise that children grow at a rate of knots, clothes get grubby or damaged and that they don't last forever.
We do ask that children have the correct uniform and that they take pride in their appearance.
Our uniform is:
Main Uniform
Grey trousers / shorts / skirts
(In the summer red gingham dresses/playsuits/skirts are fine)
White blouse/shirt or polo shirt
Grey/white/black socks/tights
Red cardigan/jumper
Black school shoes
Year R, 1, 2 - School Logo bookbag
Year 3 - 6 small rucksack (it needs to fit in the cloakrooms/lockers)
PE Kit
White Ursula Taylor logo T-shirt 
Navy PE shorts
Outdoor Trainers (as white as possible please.) New Reception, an old pair will do as your PE will be indoors in bare feet initially.
Winter Months - Navy tracksuit top and bottoms.
Your child will also need:
Water bottle
Sun hat
Wellies to stay in school (Year R and 1) 
We do have items of clothing which have logos on them - they ae available from https://price-buckland.co.uk/ (Use the School Finder to find Ursula Taylor) 
The only  logo items which are essential are: PE T-shirt and Bookbag for YR/1/2. Everything else can come from any supplier. 
There are additional items to purchase on Price and Buckland - fleeces, hats etc. These are all optional and you can buy as much or as little as you wish.
We do have some rules regarding hair / jewellery etc. which we ask all children to follow:
  • Long hair needs to be tied back - this is for safety and also hygiene
  • Earrings are permitted, but must be small studs which need to be removed for PE (or taped up if they can't be removed)
  • Hair accessories, bands, bows etc. - must be small and neat please.
  • We don't allow necklaces, bracelets, wrist bands etc. - but a small watch is fine. 
We do have some second hand uniform available and are always looking to extend this - of you have any old uniform which is clean and in good repair, please consider donating this to our school.